Isn't it about time
you focused more on medicine,
and less on administrative hassles?
Do you enjoy reading managed
care contracts? How
about completing multiple
applications? Do you know if you
are being reimbursed correctly?
Could a physician-operated IPA be
the answer?
What do you get out of
SPA Membership?
Contracting: SPA reviews
hundreds of pages of legal terms with
the cooperation of the health plan
and presents you with an objective
summary of the terms in a format
which is standardized. Then,
"SPA Compare" allows you
to analyze the fees offered
compared to local Medicare
and to other commercial
plans in a way that is customized
to your practice.
Operations: The contract
summary and SPA Compare may
easily be used by your collections
operation to be sure that you are
being paid properly under the
SPA Contract. SPA maintains
relationships with its contracted
health plans which help you receive
what you are entitled to under the
SPA Contract.
FACT: Physicians earn more money per hour in the clinic and the O.R. —
practicing the skill of medicine — than they can playing accountant, coder or
office manager. Delegation is the key of every successful business enterprise.
All SPA Contracts include
delegated credentialing and
recredentialing. This allows you
to contract with many plans by
completing only one application and
allows you to keep your credentials
updated with many payors through
only one entity.
Ancillary Services: SPA has
group purchasing rates for medical
supplies, medical waste disposal
and other services for SPA members.
This helps you to keep your overhead
costs low.
Value: All of
these benefits
come from a
IPA for less than $80 per
Want to find out more? Call
us at 214-346-6623, or visit us at We can help
you get back to the practice of
medicine in 2018.
SouthweSt PhySician aSSociateS - iPa
Find out more about how we can help your practice at or call 214.346.6623
8150 N. Central Expressway • Suite 1250 • Dallas, TX 75206